JapanHDV - Cheating Wife 2 Chika Sasaki Sc1

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Duration: Views: 11 527 Submitted: 5 years ago Submitted by:
JapanHDV - Cheating Wife 2 Chika Sasaki Sc1
Categories: Babe Blowjob Cumshot
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0 +1 -1 paipai_17 1 month ago

«佐々木千香 Carib-062512-057»

1 +1 -1 F1shkill2020 1 year ago

«- Title: JapanHDV - Chika Sasaki 【Is Fulfilling Her Fetish Fantasies 【Pt. II】
- Synopsis: Chika Sasaki & her husband are into wild kinky sex. They love to role play, & to fulfill their wild sexual fantasies in elaborate scenes. Her husband has set up a scene today where Chika Sasaki gets to play the helpless housewife. A handsome man will come in, seduce her, get her horny & excited, & she’ll pretend to not want him, but all she really wants him to do is take her. He enters her place & starts grabbing her tits. She watches as he tears her clothes off, & spreads her legs, & she begins to moan while getting fucked as hard as it possible. The guy gave her all she wanted, but in the end he’ll see if that was enough or not. This was a fantasy fulfilled for her & her husband today.